Shin Splints – Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Shin Splints – Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

A common injury in Runners What is Shin Splints? It is another very common injury in runners and according to a recent research review shin splints accounts for around 16% of all running-related injuries. It is also referred to as ‘medial tibial stress syndrome’ (MTSS) but both terminologies are used to describe exertional lower leg pain…

Ice Bath – Why?

Ice Bath – Why?

The Extensive Benefits of Cold-Water Immersion It may be interesting to know that cold water therapy has been used as far back as by the ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates is considered the father of cryotherapy (cold therapy) as he used snow and ice to combat pain and tissue inflammation.   Ice baths or cold-water immersion (CWI)…

IT Band Syndrome – A Common Injury in Runners

IT Band Syndrome – A Common Injury in Runners

What is IT Band Syndrome? It is a very common injury in runners so almost half of us regular runners will or have experienced this problem. It is often referred to as ‘iliotibial band friction syndrome’ but the currently used terminology is ‘iliotibial band syndrome’ (ITB syndrome) as we do not believe that friction is…

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: ‘Runner’s Knee’

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: ‘Runner’s Knee’

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: ‘Runner’s Knee’   Knee pain is a very common injury in runners. There are many different causes to knee pain in runners so it is important to understand how to separate one cause from another. What is Runner’s Knee? The pain in ‘runner’s knee is around your knee cap (patella). It often presents…

Knee Ligament Rupture تمزق أربطة مفصل الركبة

Knee Ligament Rupture تمزق أربطة مفصل الركبة

أربطة مفصل الركبة:تحاط الركبة بأربعة أربطة تقوم بدعم حركة الركبة و تخفيف الحِمل على المفصل حيث أن الرباط الصليبي الأمامي و الرباط الصليبي الخلفي يعملان معًا لاستقامة و منع انزلاق الركبة الى الأمام أو الخلف بينما يعملان الرباط الجانبي الأنسي و الرباط الجانبي الوحشي على دعم المفصل أثناء الحركة و منع انزلاقه الى الجانب الأيمن…